Youth Experience


Are you ready to join the fun at "Generation Stitch" during the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival? This is your chance to dive into the world of stitching and show off your skills!

KCRQF is dedicated to build the legacy of quilting to the next generation of stitchers by focusing on bringing Quilt contests, FREE Make-n-take classes, community block stitching and Innovative tools to inspire youth to dive into the world of stitching and show off your skills!

Open to age categories of Youth (under 13), Middle/High School (13-18) and Young Adult (19-25).

Here's what's in store: 

๐Ÿงต Enter Your Quilt or Quilted Item for judging and win amazing prizes! - Enter Here

๐Ÿงต Take FREE Classes tailored for youth & young adults under 25!

๐Ÿงต Stitch a Community Quilt Block to support someone in need!

๐Ÿงต Explore Innovative Tools & Equipment to level up your stitching game!